
Showing posts from August, 2008

R. Dzanjalimodzi (1953-2008)

One Hand-Danjalimodzi New Blood in Politics Words cannot describe you Your works speaks volume Of One hand of greatness The Hand of Secretary to Treasury A hand of a Politician One Hand of Chair-Public Accounts Committee A hand of great Parlaimentarian Who will speak for your party Who will chair the Public Accounts Committee Who will be the voice of reason The one hand that did it all is gone Rest In Peace At the time of publishing this, there are reports that his Mother had passed away when the body arrived in Malawi. As a Journalist, I knew late Dzanjalimodzi when I was young, he introduced me to most of his constituency structures when I was following up a story on constituency development fund. We last spoke in July when he analysed the Public Finance Management Act and consequences of Finance Minister and Secretary to Treasury when drawing money from consolidated fund with Parliamentary approval. He promised me a copy of approved final report of his committee whose proceedings I ...

Malawi can learn from Julius Nyerere ideologies

Title: Our Leadership and the Destiny of Tanzania Author: Julius K. Nyirere Year: 1995 first published in Kiswahili in 1994 Publisher: African Publishing Group, Harare, Zimbabwe Reviewed by Kondwani Bell Munthali- The article was published in the Nation Newspaper of August 12, 2008 Tanzania though it does not make news frequently is a model of democracy. Unlike any other African country except for Botswana, it has now almost three-ex Presidents. Mwalimu Julius Nyerere who became the First African Head of State to voluntarily relinquish power and has been followed by Ali Hassan Mwinyi and Benjamin Mkapa. Mwalimu however believed he owed Tanzanians and the World at large an explanation on how Tanzania which is union of Tanganyika mainland and Zanzibar Islands came about and survived even in the early 1990’s when there was a talk of a split between the two. Nyerere touches the fundamentals of unity, which includes surrendering of sovereignty by the two States to the United Republic which ...