Malawi will become the next Zimbabwe if...
In 2003, I had a colleague of mine and a son to a Zimbabwean Minister in my favourite African country Swaziland when after having all the fun young people could have, an Angolan lady who we nick named gasosa, asked our politically connected youth activist how he was coping with all the "problems" in Zimbabwe. Gasosa according to the Angolan is a term for corruption in Police service and we thought as we laughed at the translation of gasosa, he would be defensive to what was happening in Zimbabwe. Our colleague simply said "Zimbabwe" is going through challenges after which all the politicians will come together for the common good of the people. In 2008 when I went to cover harmonised elections, I met my colleague, but President Robert Mugabe had lost the election. I travelled wide and far including Mugabe's home near Norton, it was a shame that the veteran leader was being rejected by his own people. People rejected his belief that he was doing something good f...