African Youth, they remain the biggest losers
Prophet T.B Joshua , is someone I have scrutinized and believed since my trip to Nigeria in 2010, when my good friends in Lagos, told me I could not visit him, as he was satanic. I asked a simple question, what is it that he does that makes him satanic. My friend, now interestingly a convert of T.B Joshua said, "I can take you anywhere but not at that place." Last year he offered to send me the Scoan's anointing water, a miracle trade mark of the T.B Joshua. The Prophet has a huge pool of critics, but none of them will tell you what he does wrong. Actually over the years I have watched and followed his teachings, I have come to understand why he is hated. His actions, charity and message are a big threat to money making schemes that people have been using in the name of Jesus. T.B Joshua is an embarrassment to mega-Church preachers and as such he needs to be ostracized and be portrayed in all demonic senses that we can convince our neighbor. Unfortunately at all tim...