
Showing posts from January, 2013

Bläntyre demos pick tempo

The figures are going up with estimated 1000 People now at Kwacha where the Main organisers Kapito, Kabwila and Seodi White want to Address the crowd! Singing that life was better before!

Mzuzu march has been completed

With Less than 100 demonstrators the March has ended as at 9.45am at Mzuzu City Council Offices with Isaac Gondwe of PDM being the Lead man. The crowd is now Waiting to present Petition!

Jessie Kapasula Kabwilas and John Kapito Leads Kanjedza demo

The largest crowd so far Reported  estimated at 300 have just been Adressed by John Kapito saying those that have turned up are fülling the economic hardship. Kabwila says demos are part of dialogue. The crowd has been quite and keep looking over their shoulders towards Police. Updates coming more Soon on mzuzu

First update: Less than 50 consumers Turn up in

Hebrews Misomali a  Lumbadzi based activist and Ben Chiza Mkandawire are the only two notable faces currently Reading a petition Outside Lilongwe district commissioners Office to a crowd  of onlookers mainly drawn from Labour office and Court Specialist. After Reading and Presenting the Petition they will address the press. The Demos or Assembly in Lilongwe so für have failed to attract hüge crowds as was the Case in July 20! Updates for Kanjedza in few Minutes....

Demonstrations today

The Blog will Provide delayed Updates unless something happens dramatic that justify Public interest in Publishing. So far all Major three Cities are Reporting Calm and Heavy Police presence. The Morning Traffic in blantyre and lilongwe is Down. In kawale women Dressed in ruling Party Colours have been Cheered on by vendors. Peoples Shop at the heavily populated capital Citys township is Underguard as ist has just reopened After being vandalisch during the Last Demonstration on July 20'. 2011 which saw 21 People Killed. Updates will be at every 20 min or as events Happen......

I am greetings of New Year to our politicians! Happy New Year the blogs is back!

Well its that time we wish each other  a happy new year. Of course we have all the excess baggage in our political systems that we seem to have crossed over. From now on, the blog is back full time with timely news updates beginning John Chilembwe's day. Of course the challenge will be not to be seen to be biased with current occupation, but as they say, a Journalist is a Journalist, whatelse can one do but write and write. It is has been an eventiful year, propaganda year and of course gossip. Some official and some not, some politicians- if at all are politicians trying to recreate a scene Malawians would not want to be reminded of. But my pick for the New Year greetings are to the "Baby Atupele Muluzi" who is still trying to charter a political world without his poweful political and biological father, 'Atcheya' the influential mixer of politics and money. Today you cant be a politician without money and expect even to be elected a councillor, people want mo...