From Mwanawasa, Mugabe and Malawian politics

In politics you have no permanent freinds and enemies-late Chakufwa Chihana once told a local paper in an interview justfying his return to Bakili Muluzi's administration after accusing of being "very corrupt that it cannot change."
The past months, unfortunately quite busy for me that I could not even write here, have been very interesting.
Of course we lost Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa, a lawyer par excellence who returned Zambia to the rule of Law and real democracy and observance of human rights and dignity. For the first time, Zambia experienced very few politically motivated arrests unlike the times when John Chinula and William Banda were deported to Malawi wrongly, Kenneth Kaunda was accused of being a Malawian.
Micheal Sata who changed tune on Mwanawasa after his medical treatment supported by late Mwanawasa, aslo has a story to tale of how the opposition was being managed under the other Presidents. However, leby's death is one of those important signals to our hard hearted leaders who start believing they are "small gods" and will live eternally. Presidents die too and in Africa thats something to wake them up that they are not indespensable. Of course I am sure if we were to vote and ask God which leader we want to die first before Mwanawasa-most people could have voted for you-know-who in the SADC region. God chooses at his own time when we thought it could have been that other one.
Then, there has been a story of Zimbabwe-deal or no deal. Everyone agrees and Morgan Tsvangirai knows, that Comrade Mugabe has outsmarted his partners in agreement before. It ended the political career of one Joshua Mkomo. But is a Government of National Unity a solution for Zimbabwe, just like in Kenya.
I have been pessimistic that Kofi Annan and the International Community decided that loosers in an election-bad loosers for that matter should share power with those legitimately elected persons.
I am really shocked-why really send billions of much needed currency when talks can produce a desirable outcome than wasting curreny which could make a difference to the hungry poor and the sick who cannot afford treatment.
I fore see this as a new challenge as no one say what term limit the GNU's will have and how will the elections and post elections be managed. The fate of having a vibrant opposition versus of majority Government seems not to have been explored. It was a quickie fit solution but it might have greater consequences to long-term consolidation of democracy across the continent.
From Zambia and Zimbabwe, I still join people who mourn Late Dzanjalimodzi, late Arcbishop Emerirus James Chiona-my favourate bishop when we went to Limbe Cathedral during the christmas bus rides. Of course there is his other large picture as a fearless leader who turned Malawi's political landscape from dictatorship to a multiparty democracy. Choina led the Bishops to issue a condemnation and they could have paid with their lives.
Of course, I think I have written enough on my President's advisors, now I will let it pass though it was amusing that they could afford to show him on television a nephew's wedding whil the body of the late Musongole, Chitipa Central MP for the DPP was being transported home. Worse still he did not make it to Chitipa. I will be there in Chitipa when he travels there to see what will be the excuse.
Then we have had worst accidents with 24 people dying in Kasungu, later 19 and much later many have died on the roads this month alone. Of course the simple reason we have as many as fake licenses as we have beer bottles in town. I wholeheartedly support breathlysers though I have been a culprit some times!
On politics, we have a breather from Parliament and the only word I can say is that let both sides honour an agreement that has been produced. Sometimes the word of honour matters to the next voter.
Thumbs up to the Malawi Electoral Commission, for the first time as a Malawian citizen I have an ID card courtesy of Government.
On who I will vote for, the serioes start in the next blog, I am sure I will be forgiven!!


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