AKB: Measure of a Giant

There is a lot that will be said and written about Aleke Banda. Many will associate with him about the many heart touching moments with AKB. I knew him from many sides, as a Minister, as a grandfather and as an advisor- even on controversial stories- he was willing to listen to me and give me advice. I am thankful to God for such a gift to Malawi. For years to come his values and beliefs will shape my thinking. Go ye well Ada, at least the human flesh pain is over and you have reached in Gods arms:
Out of Tukombo a son came
From Que Que a patriot was shaped
In prison a revolutionary was made
At Capital Hill a servant of the people was placed
How do you measure
Measure of a humble giant
You sacrificed your youth ideas
You were incancerated for your belief in freedom
You were jailed for the truth
Yet you never were bitter
Yet you never spoke ill of anybody
How do you measure
Measure of a giant
From Targetted subsidy
to Manure making campaign
From Malawi News
to the Nation Publications
Works of thy hands speak
Speak louder
of the measure of the giant
Always Aim High was his principle
Honesty, integrity and humbleness were his virtues
Hardwork was his character
Cheerfulness even in pain was his trademark
Free advice you gave
Never shall a politician stand you measure
Measure of a giant
He lies quitely at his home
He rests after bringing in sheaves
The church, the media, the civil society left in wonder
Political platform empty of its patriach
Cancer patients hope dashed
A company without its Chairman
A family without its head
A nation without its giant


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