Celebrating July 20

Well the President has dissolved the Cabinet, there are 41 worried people who serve at his pleasure now not certain about their future. But to majority Malawians it is something we had been asking for many were just excess baggage mostly praise singers who did not really help the President.
Most of them ended up becoming professional gossipers not fit for the title Honourable. A certain Minister, though he is likely going to be maintained even told President Mutharika that a media house in UK had bribed some of local journalists with 8 THOUSAND british pounds to stage a documentary child labour. Such blantant lies against people outside the cabinet for sure should have scared the President to fire some of them long time ago.
Another Minister told a lie about Lonjezo Sithole flying to Geneva with the Human Rights NGO's. Sithole is a former President of the Students Union at Chancellor College. The shocking aspect was that while the Minister lied in the Presidents face as Lonjezo does not even have a passport, the President did not fire him.
Now if you have 41 people who lie to you everyday and you keep them, the result is July 20 where deaths of 19 people will jolt you into action.
My President was on eTV this weekend and he said he has been a man of peace modelled on Mahatma Ghandi, he can walk that talk this week by meeting the expectations of voters who trusted him in 2009.
The demands of the petition presented on July 20 are now coated in human blood of those that were shot by our Police service. There is no justification as Dr. Hetherwick Ntaba tries to potray that they were shot outside demonstrations area- they did not deserve to die that is a fact.
Malawi is a constitutional democracy that guarantees a right to life and more importantly even for criminals to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. The citizens in Malawi are unarmed and the Police sentenced to them, no someone has to account for such lethal use of force.
Now back to President wa Mutharika, you have raised expectations your Excellency, reduce the bolted cabinet and bring back some professionals from you first term. you can even delegate a cabinet portifolio to Joyce Banda your Vice President as a gesture of reconciliation.
In July 20, I can celebrate despite the loss of life, they were our sacrifices to recapture our democracy and power as a citizenry. Now our political class know you can no longer take people for granted and expect them to stay numb.
Malaw's democracy was strengthened on that Wednesday by the thousands that went into streets to demand their rights and an accountable Government. I predicted massive changes and we seem to be on the road towards them.
I am not a pessimist, any slight changes in direction by the ruling class, is victory for Malawians and our hard won democracy. The blood shed on July 20 was not in vain, we will prevail as Malawians and as a nation.
Time for praise singers and passengers in cabinet is gone. If I had a cabinet I would want, I would set up the following:
1. President and Head of State: His Excellency Bingu wa Mutharika
2. Vice President and Minister of Gender: Right Honourable Joyce Banda
3. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs: Prof. Peter Mutharika
4. Minister of Finance: Goodall Gondwe
5. Minister of Economic Planning and Development: Ken Kandodo
6. Minister of Education: Prof. Peter Mwanza
7. Minister of Agriculture: Dr. Alan Chiyembekeza
8. Minister of Health: Prof. Eta Banda
9. Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry: Eunice Kazembe
10. Minister of Labour: Eunice Makangala
11. Minister of Lands; Dr. George Chaponda
12. Minister of Local Government: Gloria Theresa Mwale
13. Minister of Information: Dr. Ken Lipenga
14. Minister of Youth: Nasrin Pillane
15. Minister of Transport: Henry Mussa
16. Minister of Water, Energy and Environment: Grey Malunga
17. Minister of Home Affairs:Kondwani Nankhumwa
18. Minister at Large/State in the Presidents office; Sidik Mia
Deputy Minister of Finance: Ralph Jooma
Deputy Minister of Education; Hyacinta Chikaonda
Deputy Minister of Agriculture: Magret Mauwa
Deputy Minister of Health; Dr. Jean Kalirani
Deputy Minister at Large; Patricia Kaliati/ Nicholas Dausi

Let us celebrate July 20. The Minister at large will cover the rest of Ministries dissolved!


Bright Mhango said…
no Vuwa? kikikikiikiki
Kondani Nankhumwa Minister of what????????????
A Kho, Kondwani Nankhumwa? A name? or what? Not Deputy for Info? If I was Bingu yes.
Congrats Kho for your win on Goodall Gondwe, Nasrin Pillane, Henry Mussa, Kondwani Nankhumwa, Ralph Jooma, Dr. Jean Kalirani though you missed on the number. I hear its 31 in total?
You realy tried.

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