Robert Chasowa- the revelations

If Civil Society called for demonstrations, would you trust them? Obviously the answer is no. Is Kenneth Msonda, the UDF spokesperson worthy the paper his name is written on, the answer would be no. Thanks to the blood of Robert Chasowa, we now all know what we suspected long time ago, people are serving their own agenda's and very little concerns the poor Malawian.
The Weekend headlines rightfully or wrongl focused on the Police dealings with Chasowa, the youngman who unfortunately has achieved fame so much in death than in real life.
He offered his service to the Police, met the country's top most cop and agreed on the price, K10 million. But the fact is that he was not alone in plotting to betray many voiceless Malawians who wanted to speak on the crisises that have seen fuel, power and even water challenges become normal.
There were Civil Society leaders like Rafik Hajat who until the 16th of August insisted that they would go ahead with the vigils, yet they were speaking to the group of Chasowa and company in hush tones.
The same with Msonda, now it explains why we saw all the UDF gurus at the funeral of Chasowa, they knew something about the young man, more than they were telling.
Loss of life of Chasowa is very regretable, the Police failed to inspire confidence, but the saga has exposed how we all have been taken for a ride, even in excercise of our right to express ourselves- even through a demonstrations.
It seems the season of revelations has started.


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