Breaking news: JZU to assume second Vice Presidency

The Malawi Congress Party President John Tembo is expected to assume the post of Second Vice President. Sources indicate that four Ministers will be appointed from the MCP. Details could emerge later in the week on this deal. You heard it first from here.


Hastings Mbale said…
do malawi has money to pasy him?
MM said…
I have no problems with his appointment but I can hardly understand why the H.E. has to get 4 more members from MCP into the cabinet. I dont like the experience of having a bloated cabinet.Lets wait and see.
Wasting the little resources we have. Why do we need a Second Vice President? Worse still from MCP? The more things change the more they remain the same
Gerald Manthalu said…
Tembo yekha ayi please. And we dont need any more ministers. Sad me indeed! We need to take austerity measures! These donors back in their countries are making tough cuts and we are becoming extravagant? Anyway, let's see how it works.
Why Tembo? Joyce has goofed twice today, 50% then Jzu 2nd vp?????? Why being so apopoeasing and generous to him? Dikira akalande boma....
Unknown said…
I suppose there are some DPP big wigs to be removed from Mayi Bandas cabinet and the speculated number is six(6) lets wait and see
Unknown said…
Lets wait and see speculations are that six (6) DPP cabinet ministers will be booted soon
Why? 4 whose benefit. Anyway what do we really intend to achieve from this. Appeasement umphawi wake umenewu. I thought I would c something different but shaaa

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