Malawi Elections updates from 6pm May 20, 2014

7.41 Malawians will on 20th May 2014 be casting their votes to elect a President, 192 Members of Parliament and over 400 Local Government Councillors. Blantyre North constituency will not have Parliamentary elections due to the death of MCP candidate Chetser Mulli. The elections, one of the closest in years are expected to elect a hung Parliament and a President with a narrow majority.
The blog will be live from 8.30 pm on Tuesday with preliminary ground results from all the polling centres. The pace of our results will be dictated by how the results come in at each tallying centre.
We should, by 10am on Wednesday, 21 May have a clear indication as to how the Presidency has been decided though final results on Thursday 22 May, 2014.
See you from tommorrow evening.....


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