Late Madame Ethel Mutharika, a year on

I was somewhere in Niagara when a dark cloud fell over the country. A year later, we still remember the humble lady that occupied the seat of the country's- third First Lady after Anne and Shanil Muluzi.
Today so much has changed and I can ably say, My President is missing some control the First Lady excercised on him. I have not been privilaged to be a master of ceremonies again for a presidential function since returning from abroad to see what decision he would make on on young girls dancing or youth doing something nasty. This is where my Grandmother would openly shake her head and tell me to cut off the dance.
Over 30 years together, one is bound to cry with Dr. Mutharika for his loss, but as one of the daughters told that Youthful crowd in Limbe on May 3, she did not want to be mourned for ever but celebrate her life with good deeds.
I repeat, she did more than many will acknowledge, but more importantly she never sought publicity for it. I have covered First Ladies in different countries, some have beaten up Journalists, some sneered at Female Journalists calling them competitors.
My First Lady Ethel Mutharika, My Grandmother and the Mother of the Nation did teach people a lot about power and Humility. About working for common good without reward.
She stood up at one point and told young people in Mitundu, you can do it if you believe in yourself. Today a Youth Organisation in Dedza harvested more than I have ever seen produced by young people.
Great people and heros do not last, but their legacy and works live forever.
A year later, I see hostile faces which sat down and called for unity at Ndata farm only 12 months ago.
For this year, I dedicate this poem:
Ethel Mutharika+
Ever will you be in our hearts
Truly your works remain with us
How you cared
Empowering the need
Let your soul rejoice with works
My mother, mother of the nation
U live forever
Try to pray for us
Hot headed , as a Nation we have become
And your advice forgotten
Real peace eludes us
Internally we cheat ourselves
Knowledge and wisdom eludes us
And only you can pray for us
Rest In Peace Mama in God's abundance


Bayano Valy said…
dear munthali,
why would you say mutharika misses the counsel of this late spouse?

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