Obama, Ntaba and the long walk towards Tobacco control

Today, a heart rendering and touching ceremony was heard at the Durban Convetion centre in South Africa, 40 million people have died since 1999 from tobacco smoking deaths. The diseases are many so it denial.

The Framework Convention Alliance and many Civil Society organisations, are working tirelessly to inform the public on the dangers of smoking. I felt ashamed as a Malawian to hear Malawi mentioned now and then as a country which has not signed the FCTC a World Heath organisation treaty that advocates regulation of tobacco smoking.

I am not sure what Bakili Muluzi was thinking, but I am sure my President Bingu wa Mutharika is intelligent enough to read the treaty and realise that in anyway regulating smoking does it kill our tobacco sector.

After all as Yussuf Saloojee and Alison Cox say, the crop has not helped Malawians much in their 100 years of growing. I see poverty, we cry poverty and for years we continue to be among the poorest despite not having wars or any sort of conflict.

Tobacco really continues only to kill many thousands of children who inhale when curing, at auction floors and pregnant mothers and strong males who have inherited cancers, impotency and more than 20 diseases associated with smoking.

I will make more clarified detail on the FCTC but we are the shame of the World. World largest producers including the USA, Argentina, Brazil and nearby Zambia, Tanzania and Mozambqiue all of them have signed, leaving us alone with our misguided economics to kill our own people.

Tobacco is evil and the following are some of the diseases that have been scientifically proven to have been started by smoking or people who inhale smoke when others are smoking:

-Lung cancer
-Esophageal cancer
-Laryngeal cancer
-Oral cancer
-Bladder cancer
-Stomach cancer
-Pancreatic cancer
-Cervical cancer
-Breast cancer

•Coronary heart disease
• Heart attack
• Stroke
• Infertility
• Impotence
• Miscarriage
• Fetal growth retardation
• Stillbirth
• Birth defects
• Sudden infant death syndrome

I rest my case. We will meet when I am home, espcially that company which closed its operations and wants to kill many of our youth!!

Finally Obama won, I got happy and we partied till I lost my voice, lesson; Black Americans wake up, USA belongs to everyone who works hard not complain of discrimination and shoot fellow blacks day and night in Boston, Atlanta or Luisiana. YES we can should be meangiful if blacks in the USA and South Africa started working hard to make a difference in their lives.

For Dr. Ntaba, Bingu should continue reading this blog next week, there is nothing


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