Lilongwe vendors and women politician

Vendors this morning ripped off clothes from almost 11 women, allegedly ordered by some politicians to enforce Malawian culture. the disgusting habit spread and shop owners anticipating trouble have closed their shops.
The question is where are the female leaders of Malawi to pick up the challenge and engage the vendors instead of shouting in the media. Please informe First Lady Madame Callitsa Mutharika, Vice President Joyce Banda, Government spokesperson Patricia Kaliati, Gender Minister Reen Kachere, Deputy Speaker of Parliament Juliana Mphande, Deputy Governor of the Bank Mary Nkosi and even Police Commissioner Doreen Kapanga and Gendera activists Dorothy Ngoma, Martha Kwataine, Emma Kaliya and others to get into Lilongwe Old town now and speak to these vendors.
The job should be done in the streets and not on radios


Phill-Mhango said…
Something has to be done to put down these uncivilized fools, who r they after all to take such actions. did their mose take them back to the streets for this? to trouble our peaceful n innocent women? too shameful for our country, this is 2012!!! Akutichitisa manyazi!!! should we believe that the govt n all the stakeholders in our security system is not aware of this? isn't this a matter of urgency? Shud we say it requires a vast amount of resources n time to curb this problem? shame!!
Zeudo said…
Its very unfortunate that we have chosen to enforce the culture in that a disgusting way... Where on earth can that happen? Where was Police that patrol around the street? And the general public, you mean people were just passing by looking at such nonsese taking place? Its high time Malawians Tidzithandizana...lets be like that Good Samaritan in the Bible.

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