Some unreported issues Honourable Kaliati may wish to know

Well it was a great week, that is rich in news. We had a joker thrown by Henry Duncan Phoya who only a fool would wish to believe that the smart lawyer and a politician we call HDP will not be on a presidential ballot in 2014. We had Akweni, my great amuser kneeling down and believing still that I write for Nyasatimes. But I like her honesty and straight forward. Mai Kaliati will always call or tell you her piece of mind, thats where she earns my respect. She is not a political gossiper who create things that do not exists. She is a very realistic person.
If you ask her a question expect an answer, but if she knows that you know, she will be the one asking you questions.
Then we had the UDF continuing its comedy, as Raphael Tenthani ably put it, trying to outdo each other in writing a political comic that nobody knows the end. My projection is that if a solution cannot be found this year, UDF will be in court until 2014 and very likely it will not have a candidate.
Unfortunately someone told me I support Aupele, so I have decided not to comment on who is suitable to take the UDF to new levels. But I think they should look outside current squabblers and get real quality and freshness. I reserve the names now.
Malawi Congress Party now has all the attention, people are thinking who would combine better, Phoya-Chimunthu Banda team would change the political landscape, just like Peter Mutharika-Chimunthu Banda team.
I reserve still my comments on what would be expected as a comibination of Joyce Banda, but she needs a strategic alliance that delivers Central Region.
The next election will be fought in central region, he who wins big in Central Region will definately carry the day.
The DPP has to find loyalty from Ken Kandodo, Bintony Kutsaira, Wakuda Kamanga and even Uladi Mussa where it matters and another strong character from Mchinji to have a stable vote. Dr. Kalirani represents Dowa, but you need her to convince Ntchisi as well.
Every district matters as of now for the ruling party. Its candidate needs to win or emerge second in every district to win the Presidential vote in 2014.
If I had powers I would not hesitate to appoint Hyacinta Chikaonda- the only Dedza MP who won on DPP ticket. Sosten Gwengwe has a mountain to climb to convince poeple in Dedza Central that DPP is the best option.
Thats enough on politics, two important incidents happened in Lilongwe this week and they were not reported:
At Biwi Police were beaten by fuel traders after they arrested some of them. This shows a dangerous path the country is heading to, where rule of law will be severely undermined if we do not address our challenges.
The more problems we face, the more angry people we generate and lawlessness will become part of defiance to authority, we cannot afford the same today and tommorrow.
At the same time the President travelled to Blantyre via Biwi and he was waved with Zigubu, I hope someone noticed and gave good answers to the Head of State. Bingu needs to show that he cares what people are going through than a defiant person who is out of touch. He had to pass through Biwi at a very high speed.
Lastly Akweni asked us to report who is hoarding fuel. On Wednesday fuel was available at one Puma station in Lilongwe owned by a DPP politician, I passed at 2am there were several Ministers and DPP officials fueling. She needs to ask that question in cabinet.
Otherwise, the week has been interesting. I particulary liked the US marine saving Iranians and Presidenn Assad of Syria behaving like Ghadaffi days before he was chased!


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