President Mutharika out for a working private visit. He is not ill!

The President flew out this morning to a Western African nation to negotiate mainly fuel supplies for the country. He has been working hard to restore the supplies. His recent visit to Harare as reported by Zimbabwe media was based on the same mission.
For some strange reasons Malawi is not allowed credit and it seems local cartels are involved in providing such information on our credit worthness
The President flew Malawi 1, the presidential jet and landed at Abuja Airport around 11.45 am Nigerian time.
He is not sick, he is fit and working tirelessly as pledged to solve the crisis.
Further fuel has been paid for and Petrol supplies should start arriving soon.
The President was not airlifted nor taken ill. This is all information that is valid and has been holding for further confirmation. He might be on his way back now.


Ogama said…
is he going to be going around begging for fuel himself? for how is he going to be doing that? i say institute sound economic principles and practices and everything else will fall in place. weaning Malawi from donors is a very welcome idea but it should be done in stages and not rudely and pregnant with ego...sakwanitsa begging a gallon each time the precious liquid is needed. for everyone's information Nigeria is equally in the fix when it comes to this crude thing...
There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates. Cheap Flights to Abuja

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